Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

Thanksgiving was spent at my Aunt Rogie's house. It was a full house but that's the way we like it. Everyone ate good food and played games and had a really fun time. As always.

My Mom and Dad with my nephew Beau. He is a good looking young man!
My niece jess brought her boyfriend Jordan.

My cousin Rosalie and her husband Chris brought baby Ryan and he is crawling. So cute!

The kids played outside most of the day and I must say that they really needed baths badly when we came home.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Jessica Senior Volleyball - Golden West High School

My niece Jessica played in her last Volleyball Game at Golden West High School. On the last game they honor the Senior players where they can express their gratitude to their families for their love and support.

My sister Jennifer made all of us t-shirts with her name and jersey number on the back. They were too cute!

Forgive the picture quality; I was video taping and my sister had lost her camera while coming into the gym, and my other camera had a low battery so that was the only camera available. My sister did find her camera that next morning stuck between her car seats. Yeah!

Friday, November 07, 2008

Happy 5th Birthday Ben!

Yesterday was Benjamin's 5th Birthday. He celebrated with his Pre-k class and they ate pizza and cupcakes. Gary made the cupcakes and the kids loved them!

Lindsay's Volleyball Team

Lindsay is in her first year of Volleyball and she loves it. She has made some good friends and has really improved since her first game. When Lindsay first started she would get so frustrated because she couldn't serve the ball over the net, but now scored 8 points in a row and almost always serves the ball over the net. Great job Lindsay!

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Halloween 2008

Every year at Lindsay and Ben's school they have the best Halloween parade/contest/carnival.
First they parade each class in front of the judges and some of the costumes are very creative and some are just too cute. Ben was a nerd and Lindsay was a hair/makeup beautician, and they both won in their grades. The judges give out 3 awards for each class and Ben and Lindsay were excited to win.

It was a fun day and then that night they went out trick or treating with their neighbors and cousin DJ. This time Ben wanted to be a Power Ranger.